Uncontrolled intake of alcohol a negative effect on the human body. It is known to all, but only a few consciously limit themselves in consumption of alcohol. About the dangers of alcohol, say doctors and scientists in general, read the special lectures in schools, to carry out the diagnosis in adults, but the problem is that it is not decided. Damage to the alcohol is so strong that it can lead to irreversible consequences.

How alcohol affects the health
Alcohol harmless, no call. Many doctors are convinced that the benefits of alcoholic beverages is disproportionately small in comparison with its harmfulness. Dry red wine to a glass a day can reduce the risk of hypertensive disease. Glass of brandy is able to prevent stroke. Regular intake of alcohol cleanses the blood vessels and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. But the uncontrolled use of income leads to irreversible consequences. The toxic effects of alcohol on the human organism leads to the irreversible changes in the liver, the heart and the brain. Reasons for drunkenness many, reasons to stay, too many. Why people don't do? Why consume alcoholic beverages only in small doses? The answer lies in chemistry and the work of the body. Ethanol is very quickly integrated all of the metabolic processes in the body, such as nicotine and, and without this help supplements often arise unpleasant feelings in the form of unhealthy needs. That, and there are the first signs of addiction, you need to treat and stop. Bad habits are able to very quickly destroy life. Beach alcoholism is known around the world. From him suffer, and the poorest layers of the population, and children of rich parents, and poor people, and it is unfair, resentful and successful. Alcoholic beverages cannot be answers to the questions, but thanks to them, the person in the moment he forgets about himself on the questions and is able to relax and unwind. Sometimes, in moments of extreme stress, alcohol can be necessary and useful. But such cases and situations are very rare.
The harm of alcohol for the body systems and organs
The breakdown of the walls of the small intestine. Often occur burns, larynx and stomach. In the stomach they develop ulcers and gastritis. The system can not work properly. Food lie and begins to rot, the rotting of the Heart and blood vessels the Walls of blood vessels are dwindling. The heart muscle weakens. Appear arrhythmia, heart disease, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke in people.
Most suffer from the brain cells. Ethanol destroys fat tissue sheath of nerve fibers. Appears lethargy, the reaction decreases. The person loses memory and concentration, cannot sensibly and think logically. Will power falls down to zero. A man is inert, is subject to a foreign will. Develops neuropathy, leading to irreversible consequences.
Cirrhosis and fatty liver are most often found among other complications. Body can no longer properly perform its functions. Shortens the life time.
Why is the threat of alcohol? Ethanol easily penetrates through the shell of all the cells. They may only be split in conjunction with water. So in the morning with a hangover always wants to drink. Alcohol literally sucks the cells vital strength in the form of a fluid, which is necessary for metabolic processes. Develops dehydration. How alcohol affects the body? Frequent consumption of alcohol leads to pathological dependence, with which the person is not able to deal alone. They need the help of a doctor, the treatment treatment and psychological counseling. Ethanol is embedded in the metabolic processes are very easy and fast, after which the body is experiencing the need. Alcoholism – a disease that carries the irresponsible character of the victim.

About the dangers of alcohol say still in school, but teenagers with perseverance continue to resist the devastating habit. Of course, that the family should play their role. Children often copy their parents ' behavior. And if adults daily consume beer, then, and teenage from the early years will follow their example. Alcohol kills slowly, but surely. Often, when people are aware of the problem, it will be too late to change something. Ethanol causes such damage to the body, you can't fight. Half of the liver consists of delete, how to, and part of the intestines and stomach. Not to mention the high risk of cancer.
Statistics and facts
The craving for alcohol has scary consequences. In alcoholism, the dread unconsciously access to the victim's own action. A person is not able to restrain and control our desires and actions. Dangerous alcohol:
- 92 % of all cases of violence occurring on state under the influence of alcohol.
- 85 % of all first sexual experiences for teens to get out in the state of intoxication.
- 73% of unplanned pregnancies happen through the fault of the alcohol.
- Half of the traffic ACCIDENTS committed through the fault of drunk drivers.
- Half of the families fall apart due to the fact that one of the spouses suffer from alcoholism.
- Half of all murders committed in a state of intoxication.
- A quarter of suicide cases also falls on this terrible disease.
Statistics intimidating. Harmful and frightening, alcoholism, no other harmful habits. The drug acts quickly and are illegal. Nicotine addiction lends itself to a more easily treatable. This is the reason alcoholism brings the most destructive damage. According to the WHO, this is the reason, beer alcoholism is the most common in the world. It is believed that is a light alcoholic drink – beer – less harmful to the body. But it is not so. A small percentage of ethyl alcohol in this drink exterminates a bad impression. But this is a beer alcoholism, according to the WHO, is the most common in the world, especially among teenagers. Mind fog gradually. The effect of alcohol will not feel so clearly. And just today in the morning the man realizes that last night was not quite sufficient. It's awful and insidious property of light alcoholic beverages plays a fatal role in the lives of young people. The toxic effects of alcohol can be observed a longer period of time.
Damage to the female body
Women are particularly prone to alcohol dependence. This is due to the peculiarities of the body, the hormonal background. Women do not have the strength to resist harmful habits, like men. It's harder for them to fight with the suffering. What dose of is safe for women? A glass of red wine on the feast of the benefit. A glass of champagne to relax. But a bottle of martini, drunk for two with a girlfriend, you will surely have an impact on health status. Doctors and biologists say that in a woman's body has a certain supply of eggs, which remains unchanged throughout life. This means that every dose of alcohol will have an effect on the egg, which in the future can become a full-fledged person. It is often possible to observe a young girl with a bottle of beer in his hand. It seems alone the adults. In fact, exactly will be released, that they are too young and stupid short-sighted. Harm of alcohol for women is sealed in every serving of alcohol, because the toxic effect tends to accumulate. It has a particular impact on future offspring. And it's not important, she threw the drink girl or not. That is already a drink in his life, is reflected in his children. And this really bad. About it it is necessary to inform the younger generation. May be, then their actions will not be so irresponsible.

Damage to the health of the male organism
Damage from alcohol for men is especially noticeable in the emergence of erectile dysfunction. It's unpleasant disease. In men who abuse alcohol beverages from an early age, this disease can manifest itself quite early – in 35 years. Often man ignores the similar precedents, but in time the problem becomes more and more obvious. And then turn to the doctor becomes too late. Harmless, if a rare party with friends, after which it is necessary still the day of rest? Barely. Even the rare throws can seriously disrupt the function of the prostate. Alcohol is harmful for reproduction. In average, the sperm Matures in about forty days. This means that when the consumption of alcohol in this period the risk for unborn child to be born defective rises.
Regular consumption of beer reduces the potency at 50%
Often men think that the health of the child depends completely from the mother, which should lead the right way of life, is not a presentation of similar requirements to yourself. Negligence leads to terrible consequences: malformations, malformations of the heart, allergy – what little can be seen in the unborn child. Alcohol harms the health of, human in particular. In connection with the features of a male hormonal background in men significantly more common than in women, there is a lack of thiamine or b vitamins, which leads to the development of polyneuropathy, which, in turn, can lead to irreversible changes in the body. The man literally becomes silly in your eyes. His mental faculties break down. The reaction decreases, it becomes confused. He takes care of himself. The view becomes dark and faded. Over time, in addition to problems with the prostate gland, may arise ulcers on the feet or on the hands. Even a small dose of a harmful, not to mention the regular use of alcohol. The main male body is able to digest large quantities of alcohol, which reduces the perception and dulls the feeling of adequacy.
Effect on the body teen
A young developing organism needs vitamins and proper nutrition, observance of the regime of the day. Instead, teens are looking for ways to get a beer or other alcoholic beverages. Drink alcohol at events, which is absolutely unacceptable. Alcohol intake in adolescence is particularly dangerous. A young body is just starting to mature and create. Hormones are formed unevenly, which causes emotional outbursts or depression. The deteriorating situation of alcohol can lead to a hormonal crash:
- Inhibit the processes of growth.
- Slows the growth of neural networks in the brain.
- Puberty takes place correctly, that in the future can become a cause of infertility.
- Hormonal dysfunction.
- Launched by the false customs and habits.
- Create an environment that leads to degradation.
- The lack of healthy interest in sports and achievements.
- Damage to internal organs.
Harmful whether the alcohol is for teens and how? The consequences can be disastrous. Poorly formed habit in youth can lead to a number of mistakes in adulthood. Teenagers are not able to rationally assess the situation and take responsibility for their actions. Under the influence of alcohol teenager becomes unmanageable. Frequent cases of fights and injuries, injuries. The girls turn to their doctor to perform an abortion. Parents and educators need to more carefully monitor the mood of the adolescent and its dependencies
What to do?
Encoding – the most common method of treatment of alcoholics. After a heart attack white fever alcoholic gets into the facility, where relatives and doctors decide what to do next. As usual, under the skin of the sewn product to a longer action, which causes resistance to the adoption of alcoholic beverages, and this process is impossible. Way to really effective, but it works for a short time. Once the effect of the drug ends, an alcoholic ebbs and goes for a long drink. For effective treatment is the need to make himself the victim turned to your doctor and have interest in a good outcome. The results of the coding often leave a lot to be desired. After termination of the drug a person can get drunk into a coma and die. What kind of alcohol less harmful? In what doses and how often? Drinking red dry wine, even every day is not, the person will be an alcoholic as well as drug portions of spirits. When loss of control develops drunkenness. To treat it is necessary a comprehensive approach:

- Treatment treatment of.
- Observation of the attending physician.
- The help of a psychologist.
- Advice regular character.
- Observation in laboratory conditions.
- The implementation of analysis and examination to establish the extent of damage to the organism.
- A complete rejection of the use of alcohol.
For complete removal of alcohol from the body is required 14 days. This means that the two weeks you cannot consume any alcohol in order to call myself sober. The unit can boast of such an enviable state of his health. It must be remembered that a large part of ethanol – up to 83 % digested in the small intestine. Alcoholism often leads to cancer of the small intestine. It is a very unpleasant disease, which often causes metastases and damage to other organs. Alcohol is harmful for human health, especially for someone who is not able to control your own weaknesses and whims. In the medium the same amount of spirits can become a good assistant in achieving the therapeutic goals. For adolescents and children, alcohol is absolutely not valid.