After the rejection of alcohol in the first time of feeling in man, the subjective, can be uncomfortable. This is due to the negative influence of ethanol on the body, and also the fact that the drunkard is not yet restored their health.
In the first weeks of withdrawal a person may feel the decline of forces, often ill, subject to bouts of depression. A similar reaction is explained by the lower immunity and by the body is not yet adapted to the new conditions and try to put everything back into the usual swing. People in this period tend to again grabbed for the bottle, convinced that it's better than constantly sick.
When the crisis around and the body recovers, the former drunkard will feel much better and even is able to realize it. The improvement is reflected in:
- the strengthening of protective forces of the organism;
- improve the condition of skin sheets;
- improve memory;
- the stability of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
- the normalization process of digestion and urine.
In alcoholics improve the overall condition does not come immediately, as soon as he stopped drinking. It will take some time to get the body copes with addiction. You should be aware about it, and not wait for quick results.
4 Folk remedies in the fight against alcohol addiction
To stop drinking forever is possible using the methods of folk medicine, aimed at consolidating the results of pharmacological treatment. The main task lies in the fact that to work with alcoholics a feeling of disgust to the subsequent use of alcohol.
Before the start of direct treatment in the home environment, it is important to pull the man from the pub crawl and lead to a normal state. For this it is necessary to get rid of the society of friends, who systematically raise the consumption of alcoholic beverages
Sometimes you will need also to change the place of permanent residence. Doesn't hurt to familiarize the patient with the person who managed to go through the entire course of rehabilitation and get with the help of techniques of folk therapy.
Will power

The most simple and effective alternative to at the same time is the most prosaic. After all, there is nothing
the stronger your will power. Of course, sometimes there is a strong dependence arises in the pure salt is, there is no escape, but all the same, if you want to overcome such problems, as in the case with the same drug, will not. Not even need to be somehow too smoothly enter into soft mode – just once, tell yourself that you won't want to drink. Then you should listen to your intention, just stop drinking.
There is no dirty trick, no pitfalls. Yes, some time will be good, will feel a significant discomfort, but it's not forever. Furthermore, the status will only improve, further authors will be easier
It is important to motivate yourself, explain what kind of damage the body with harmful use (and abuse) of alcohol. It is necessary to develop a system of moral rewards for giving up harmful habits,
It is also good to monitor your status, establishing that any positive change. After all, very soon you will and the truth, you will feel better and better. And this means that you will have more and more incentives to continue to lead a sober lifestyle.
How to stop drinking forever: practical advice
That you will heal?
Wife still says that: "the Husband drinks!" Children suffer when looking for a drinker father. It's time to get down to the mind.You can yourself at home to cope with living, hard drinking? All depends on the degree of addiction. But even if the disease has progressed very far, there are a number of auxiliary funds, which together can give a positive result. The basic of them:
- Medication prescribed by the doctor — antidepressants, antipsychotics, agents used drugs, means to restore the function of the liver, etc.
- Psychotherapy individual and group.
- Coding medicines, helena hypnosis.
Longer Than the period in which you drank, the harder it is to cope with the addiction. Sometimes even without drugs to get happens, it is already impossible.
That will support?
If you have a solid desire to become sober, bring your family and build a life — it is worth it to consume and other tricks:
- Friends and like-minded people. Shy — find a forum where they communicate alcoholics anonymous, nobody will know you personally.
- To fight stress, since they may trigger a new space. If the medication helps calm the nerves, this means that it must again come to the doctor to adjust treatment and to determine other pills and powders.
- Fill life with meaning, find a new job, hobbies, exercise, read interesting books, go for walks, learn to cook.
Like any chronic disease, alcoholism can give recurrences and over a longer period of time. It is necessary to quit drinking forever and do not take into his mouth anything else alcohol, not even beer. The more that a beer every day, woman, for your wife, why it's tolerated, than release you and you start to think, that in him is no great pain. This is not so. In the malt drink contains the same alcohol and other substances addictive.
Always remember that the short-term temptation may ruin all of your accomplishments.
A few tips on how to stop drinking forever
- To avoid collision of alcohol, is a step that is in the house everything is there, don't buy even "just in case" and "for others", say the same thing do all members of the household. Explain to the woman how help her husband to stop drinking, let him either worships the articles on this topic.
- Do not go to meetings and celebrations, if you know that there will be a drink. Love yourself and think for yourself, as it is the case when foreigners resentment you may not be interested in.
- Stop to communicate with those who persistently offers you a drink, even if it's your friends. To avoid any meeting with drinking buddies — better temporarily labeled as a bad person, than to die on alcohol.
- The fight with thoughts of booze. Remember what I learn in childhood and do it. Whatever it is, it's never too late to try. Even fencing, and artistic gymnastics can be enjoyed at any age.
- You're trying too hard not to watch movies and read books, where a lot of drink. Until it is cured — is not read, even books like "How I stopped drinking", may contain unnecessary details which you trigger.
- More walking, on health in the fresh air. As you pull the drink — arrange for a run, or cut firewood, do the cooking, the tread on the cooking classes, helena in a circle of cutting and sewing.
- Helps to the proper mode of the day, in which there is no room left for booze. Work, family, communication with children, hiking, and other Time to eat and lie down to sleep and at the same time.
- If you can't immediately completely give up alcohol, experts advise to keep a record of drunk. Then you can watch, not increase, zdf you are the dose. It is necessary to gradually decrease.
- But if you can handle it — it is better to immediately is completely put from all the alcohol.
Why do people drink?
Very often a person, to be surrounded by people who love to drink, drinking with them for the company. In essence, it is typical for the youth, which tries to imitate adults. The child watches how parents drink at home, and believes that such behavior is the norm.
Another cause tastes alcohol is a desire to forget problems, escape. Unfortunately, the effect is obtained by the opposite: in order to get rid of problems with alcohol, their number is only growing.
In connection with the fact that alcoholic drinks give a person the feeling of euphoria, improve mood, many people just with this goal, their drink. But sometimes drinking alcohol causes a completely opposite effect. Instead of the expected feeling of happiness, the person becomes irritable, experiencing fear, anger, him tormented by guilt.
Sometimes you drink just out of habit. There is a psychological dependence on alcohol, and with regular use arises and physiological dependence.
Many with the help of alcohol does not solve the problem of his integrity. Without alcohol a person feels defective. The other is trying to avoid responsibility for your life, and successfully it on other people.
Often the cause of alcoholism is the feeling of guilt, which is to be a man. For it a person turns to alcohol. In addition, alcohol addiction beverages can be sense of guilt for some offence, and it prevents live quietly.
If you are thinking about how to stop drinking alcohol alone, regardless of the reasons, they enjoy alcoholic beverages, listen to some of the tips.
Disadvantages of home therapy
Stop drinking is in the home conditions difficult, so it is important to follow a few rules
- The effect of the measure is possible in the case that the disease is in the initial stage. At advanced stages of exhibit physical and psychological disorders, to cope with which can only specialist.
- The patient must want to get rid of harmful habits. Forcibly a person to stop drinking will fail. In such a case, it is possible to only temporary effect.
- It is necessary to create the most comfortable environment, the fences of the patient from stressful situations, often provoking the era, and give their support.
- Have to completely give up alcohol.
But it's still a struggle with alcohol in a domestic environment rarely ends with a 100% share of success. This situation is caused by the following reasons:
- lacking the necessary qualifications and sufficient experience, which is available for physicians;
- there is a high risk of failure;
- missing the principle motivation for dependent persons (at the clinic better manage to realize the danger of alcohol and the need to give up harmful habits);
- lack of psychological support (even when close to the sick person is honestly trying to help him, not able to instill in him the belief that it will turn out to stop drinking. A similar trust able to implement into consciousness only by a psychotherapist).
In addition, often alcoholics happen to do not exceed your mind from the reality and forget about problems. In such cases it is necessary to find out the cause of alcohol addiction and remove it, that is the only available specialist.
So how to throw to drink it is necessary to dramatically, another problem home treatment becomes the impossibility of full-fledged assistance in an alcohol intoxication. Such negative consequences include:
- increased pressure;
- heart rhythm disorders;
- heart failure;
- disorders of the functioning of the digestive system;
- white fever (in very advanced cases).
A specialist in such cases, it is assigned detoxification therapy.
Not worth it to risk the health of someone close. Help to stop drinking – it means to turn to a specialized clinic, where the patient is provide professional medical advice.
ATTENTION! This article contains information for reference purposes only and cannot serve as a guide to action. Provide effective help can only the doctor-psychotherapist helena psychiatrist-a psychiatrist
How to stop drinking without coding
People close to the alcohol dependent's interest, because he drinks to stop drinking? Force will not work. It is necessary to try to create around a person on the conditions that will help him think less of drinking, and is not in contact with her. Today in almost every city are open rehabilitation centers. So, for example, in Odessa the treatment of alcoholism, dealing with completely no coding, so to speak "in the dry".
How to get rid of alcohol addiction without the assistance of a psychiatrist helena coding methods, it is necessary to fulfill three basic conditions:
- Admit that drinking alcohol has turned into a problem and prevents to live normally.
- The list of reasons why alcohol appeared in your life.
- Determine the specific tasks, the fulfilment of which will help you to get rid of dependence on alcohol.
Milestones on the path to sobriety:
- For starters, go to the mirror, objectively evaluate your appearance and say to yourself: "do I look about 10 years older than his age. I have circles under the eyes and double chin, not because I'm sick, get enough sleep and in my family, all are strong, but because I'm an alcoholic". It sounds like in the series, but without the recognition of this problem, it is not possible to take the next step.
- Talk with loved ones about your plans to stop drinking. Get their support on the hard road. If someone from your acquaintances you will not find understanding, try to limit contact with them and not meet in the period, which suggest a feast. Although this is my colleague, my friends, health is more expensive. But life is all put on their places.
- Decide why alcohol prevents. Remember the "running boards" on which you started to stumble, when he became friends with bottles. They can be: health problems, irritability, which led to quarrels in the family, the decline in income levels and so on
- To formulate the objective for which you'll need to stop drinking: to conceive a child, to return the authority in the family, get a new job, to save on the alcohol and build a house, and so on Goals should be specific and achievable. Unfulfilled fantasies can return you back.
- On the subsequent exclusion from the dictionary any excuses. "Beer — soft drink". "I'm just a night and a little bit". "A few drinks will help me sleep". These and other similar phrases — the worst enemies of good intentions to stop drinking.
- The temptation to keep the authors remove all alcohol from the home. In the shops try to make the alcoholic department missed the zone of visibility. Reduce to a minimum the home, meeting with the guests that wants to drink.
- Buy a diary and plan each day so that was the most eventful. Take over some of the household duties, from which you previously didn't. The less "windows" for empty fun you have, the less often you will attend thoughts on drinking.
- Come up with courses for leisure activities. They should be active, bringing yudin and distract you from thinking about alcohol.
- Go to the healthy exclusive catering. Exclude from the diet of those dishes that you previously loved to eat with liquor. Try to make the menu was tasty, varied and brought yudin. During this period, the small joys, nothing hurt.
- Locate substitutes stress after work. It can be walking, going to the movies, hobbies, exercise in the gym, evening jogging.
- And see how much money you spent on alcoholic drinks per month, week, day. The delay is. You will be amazed at how much this article of expenditure was devastating for the budget. Buy on the saved money to something nice, useful helena delays in the acquisition of serious shopping.
- Try to see the positive points. Disappointed — the first and main tempted to go back to the old habit. Do not be troubled, regret about unfulfilled, the nostalgia of the hilarious riotous days. Just switch thoughts to something lighter.
- Connect with your health. Sure, you have to work for a longer period of alcohol attack your body. You should consult your doctor — it will advise you on the vitamins that will promote health in the period of rehabilitation.
How to stop drinking using coding

The narrative about "how I quit drinking", many former drinkers people recommend appeal to traditional medicine, treatment is done through medication coding, including hypnosis. There are several kinds of encoding.
The advantages of this method lies in the fact that the coding sees a specialist and the patient is under his control. The doctor prescribes the medication dosage on the basis of the medical history of the patient and controls during treatment. In the case of the deterioration of the health condition, the doctor adjusts prescribed treatment: reduces the dosage, it represents the antidote, replace the medication prescribe a comprehensive treatment.
Treatment coding
Patient are offered products oral helena implantable. The effect of these drugs is based on the principle of deterrence from the use of alcohol because when combined with alcohol, the patient manifested symptoms are dizziness, weakness, nausea, heart rhythm disorders, epileptic seizures.
If it is the intake of oral medications leads to such unpleasant consequences, then the implantable encoding, in addition to the same reaction to alcohol even is and painful procedure.
When implanted coding, the patient on the skin make an incision depth of 3-4 cm, and in this cavity implanted pills, which subsequently resolved. Before the incision is performed by the prick of the local anesthesia.
In addition, the implanted encoding, it is necessarily accompanied by the provocation, i.e. the doctor gives the patient a drink of alcohol, he begins with a sharp deterioration of health, caused by the nausea, by increasing the pressure, vomiting, weakness. Then is introduced the antidote that will remove all these consequences. After such provocation the patient experiences a fear of drinking alcohol.
Coding according to the method of the order of glory

This method has established itself already in the course of a few decades. The essence of the method lies in a hypnotic influence on a sick person. When this patient is not plunged into a deep sleep, and takes place this proposal for the rejection of alcohol for a specified period on the awake human. The main condition for using this method is a solid desire to get rid of alcohol and refusal of alcohol for 6-7 days before performing this procedure.
The advantages of this method lies in the fact that the encoding is happening in one session, the treatment is carried out anonymously, without the transmission of information in the drug of pharmacy, the method is well combined with other procedures of treatment and produces indifference to alcohol. This is the reason, professor of the order of glory belongs to the authorship of the term "encoding", this method honour is considered one of the most effective worldwide. The disadvantages of the method the order of glory can be attributed, is that the encoding makes the installation stop drinking at a certain time. Some of the coded waiting for the day when the effect of the methods will lose their power, after which can start drinking again.
Laser coding from alcoholism
Because this method provides the effects on the body of the laser irradiation, then it is applied after a careful survey of the condition and under the supervision of a physician. Laser irradiation is performed several times to achieve the effect. The goal of this method – the impact on the patient's blood, which is exposed to the cleaning. Because this method has many contraindications and side effects, then pay that very often, even if it is effective enough to stop drinking.
Coding alcoholism hypnosis

This is perhaps the best known and most widely used kind of encoding. Hypnosis creates in the patient a fear of drinking, with the aim of self-preservation. The advantages of this method is that one does not take special medication. For the treatment of it is necessary just a desire to stop drinking and experienced specialist.
Also, it is ensured provocation, such as when implanted encoding, just in smaller doses. The patient is put several drops of alcohol on the tongue, after which he was deteriorating state of health, and it's up to suffocation. All these symptoms are leaving, after the introduction of the drug by a doctor protijeda. In addition, it appears the resistance to the alcohol, in a patient, there is a setting that every time they try alcohol, then all these symptoms will be repeated.
Folk recipes that will forever stop drinking
- A decoction of st. john's wort. Pour 4 tablespoons of milled st. john's wort 500 ml of boiling water. A mixture of heating of no more than 30 minutes on a water bath. Infusion drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks. The patient should experience an aversion to alcohol, and it will drink.
- A decoction of bearberry. Pour 2 tablespoons of bearberry leaves a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Tablespoon of a decoction of the drink 6 times a day, this should help stop the disastrous habit.
- A decoction of oats with marigold. Fall asleep in a small saucepan, oats, amount to about half of the container. Add the water and simmer on small fire for about half an hour, then drain. Fall asleep in a decoction of 100 grams of marigold flowers, pour in the warm for 12 hours. Filtered, drink a glass 3 times a day. After completion of the treatment course the patient should stop consuming alcohol.
- You will need the root of a laurel noble and lovage drugs. It is necessary to pour the crushed roots of a glass of vodka, insist for a period of 2 weeks. The resulting mixture is necessary to drink alcoholic, maybe it causes vomiting and an aversion to alcohol.
- Crushed Kapiti european pour a glass of boiling water, 2 weeks to infuse in a dark place. About 100 ml of the tincture is mixed with the same amount of vodka and give the patient in the morning and at lunch time. In the evening they drink plain vodka. The drug should cause severe vomiting, due to an alcoholic will drink.
- On a tablespoon of thyme, wormwood and centaury mix and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours in a warm place, OPAQ covers. The solution is filtered and to give the alcoholic in the course of two months 4 times a day tbsp.
- Grind 20 g of yarrow, wormwood and mint. Add the crushed juniper berries, calamus swamp, the root of angelica (10 grams). Tablespoon of the composition of the pour a glass of boiling water. Insist on, and give to drink.
- Take 20 gr st. john's wort, yarrow, bitter artemisia. Take 10 grams of caraway creeping and angelica, add 15 grams of peppermint oil and 5 g juniper ordinary. All grind. Tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water and drink.
Tea allow you to separately derive from your body the residues of alcohol and improve the health, you must drink as much as you can. If you use several methods in a complex, then it can help a person and achieve good results in overcoming the addiction in a domestic environment. Yourself to beat the habit in home conditions, completely get rid of this problem perhaps! The desire of the patient to discontinue the use of alcohol gives a permanent result, allows you to beat cravings for alcohol forever.

Cure alcoholism folk methods without the consciousness of the patient is very difficult because of the herbs and other raw materials for the herbal extracts have a certain taste and aroma. The addition of decoctions and infusions, spirits, non-alcoholic, can guess about their intentions. This causes the seizure of aggression. So fight with alcoholism, with the help of herbs at home is better, with the consent of the patient. If the patient refuses treatment, and believes that alcoholism — it's his problem, then it is better to try other methods of treatment of alcohol dependence in home conditions.